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Pack of 4 Stag Greeting Cards | Cairtean

Sale price£12.00 GBP

Winter Cards

Pack of 4 x 148mm square winter cards with envelopes. Two each of two designs featuring Applecross stags in the snow. Stags featured in our imagery & designs are individual deer we have known & observed in Applecross. 

Wintry scenes featuring Applecross Stags - perfect for Christmas, New Year, Birthdays, thank yous or just to say hello any time of the year.

50% of the profit from the initial sale of the Winter Stag cards will go to a Highland charity – a charity will be selected by us each year. This year's charity is The Applecross & District Healthcare Association.

Daimh na Comraich ann an seallaidhean dùbhlachdail - fìor fhreagarrach airson dùrachdan na Nollaig no na Bliadhn’ Ùire a chur, Co-là-breith a chomharrachadh, taing a thoirt seachad no airson halò a ràdh.

Damh Comrach anns an t-sneachd. Daimh na Comraich ann an seallaidhean dùbhlachdail - fìor fhreagarrach airson dùrachdan na Nollaig no na Bliadhn’ Ùire a chur, Co-là-breith a chomharrachadh, taing a thoirt seachad no airson halò a ràdh.

Tha na fèidh a chithear anns na dealbhaidhean againn stèidhichte air fèidh a chunnaic sinn timcheall oirnn gu tric. Chuir sinn aithne orra is bha sinn measail orra cuideachd.

Thèid 50% den phrothaid gu carthannas Gàidhealach - bidh sinn a’ taghadh carthannas gach bliadhna. Chithear càit an tèid an t-airgead am-bliadhna air an làraich-lìn againn.

Postage/Packaging for packs of cards:

1 pack – postage/packaging £2.00
2 packs – postage/packaging £3.00
3 packs – postage/packaging £3.75
4 packs and upwards – postage/packaging £4.75

You can order direct from us to save postage and packaging if you are able to pick up your cards from us in Applecross. Just message us on our business Facebook page, or use the contact form on the website.

For more information about the cards and ideas for reusing them including inner sleeve templates just go to our Applecross Croft dedicated cards page