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Greetings Cards | Cairtean

Our Winter Stag cards are available at the Applecross Inn (thank you Judith for taking no cut to increase the proceeds going to the Applecross Healthcare Association from 50% of the profits). Perfect for Christmas, New Year, Birthdays, thank yous or just to say hello.

We will be at the Applecross Christmas Fair on 29 November with our packs of cards.

Thanks to the Coal Shed and Applecross Heritage Centre who have sold cards for us in 2024.

Winter Cards

Daimh na Comraich ann an seallaidhean dùbhlachdail - fìor fhreagarrach airson dùrachdan na Nollaig no na Bliadhn’ Ùire a chur, Co-là-breith a chomharrachadh, taing a thoirt seachad no airson halò a ràdh.

Applecross stag in the snow. Stags featured in our imagery & designs are inspired by individual deer we have known & observed in Applecross. 

Damh Comrach anns an t-sneachd. Daimh na Comraich ann an seallaidhean dùbhlachdail - fìor fhreagarrach airson dùrachdan na Nollaig no na Bliadhn’ Ùire a chur, Co-là-breith a chomharrachadh, taing a thoirt seachad no airson halò a ràdh.

Tha na fèidh a chithear anns na dealbhaidhean againn stèidhichte air fèidh a chunnaic sinn timcheall oirnn gu tric. Chuir sinn aithne orra is bha sinn measail orra cuideachd.

50% of the profit from the initial sale of the Winter Stag cards will go to a Highland charity – a charity will be selected by us each year. This year's charity is The Applecross & District Healthcare Association.

Thèid 50% den phrothaid gu carthannas Gàidhealach - bidh sinn a’ taghadh carthannas gach bliadhna. Chithear càit an tèid an t-airgead am-bliadhna air an làraich-lìn againn.

Applecross stag in the snow

Winter card – Applecross stag in the snow – showing both sides


A card featuring our HeartStorm design. This card is included in a purchase of our HeartStorm square scarves. These cards are not currently available online but can be bought directly from us in Applecross if you are in the area.

HeartStorm Greeting card


Please consider giving our cards a second life. Templates for inner sleeves designed to save you writing on the card itself & allowing it to be used again by the recipient are available below. Or just cut a piece of paper that fits inside. 

Nach smaoinich sibh air a’ chairt seo a chleachdadh a-rithist? Gheibhear teamplaidean an-asgaidh air an làraich-lìn againn a ghabhas a chleachdadh am broinn na cairt is a leigeas leat a’ chairt a chleachdadh uair is uair.


We would love our cards to be used more than once. If you want to avoid writing on the card itself so it could be used again by the recipient, then this is a PDF template to help. The PDF has several pages with both double templates to fold and insert, or to save paper, single templates that are two to an A4 sheet. Of course you can just cut any piece of paper and write your message or include a handwritten letter in the card. Snail Mail at its best.

Attach your template with a paperclip, or ribbon or just leave it loose.

Click here for A4 landscape templates for our Applecross Croft greetings cards.

Framed Cards

The cards also look good as mini prints placed into a frame. We know you will come up with other wonderful ideas of what to do with our cards so please share them with us. 

Be creative with cards and, when you feel it’s time, recycle or compost them.

Applecross cards look great as framed mini prints.

Plastic free packaging

Our cards come in plastic free packaging and are printed in Scotland.