US | Sinne
Welcome to Applecross Croft, an independent Scottish brand that specialises in exclusive graphic art inspired by our crofting life in the Highlands of Scotland and created with passion to illustrate our range of products.
We create timeless designs that transcend seasonal fashions. We believe in buying things you love and can treasure for years to come. With care, our products can be cherished across generations.
The working croft behind our name is real. As well as providing inspiration for design, the croft supplies us – Valerie & Gordon – with fruit and vegetables for ourselves. We also run a cut-flower business supplying gorgeous blooms within the Applecross peninsula while enriching biodiversity.
Fàilte gu Croit na Comraich, brannd Albannach neo-eisimeileach a tha a’ speisealachadh anns na h-ealain ghrafagach shònraichte. Tha na tha sinn ris air a’ chroit againn air a’ Ghàidhealtachd gar deachdadh gus obair ealain a chruthachadh le faireachdainn airson nan cruinneachaidhean againn.
Bidh sinne a’ cruthachadh dealbhadh neo-thìmeil a mhaireas nas fhaide na fasan ràitheil. Is sinne a’ creidsinn gum bu chòir dhut rudan a cheannach a bhitheas tlachdmhor dhut is nan ulaidhean fad iomadh bliadhna, dh’fhaodadh gum bi na pìosan-ealain againn a’ mairsinn thar nan ginealachan.
Tha an croit a thug ainm dhuinn ann ann an da-rìreabh.Cho math ris na flùraichean iongantach a reiceas sinn air a’ Chomraich, gheibh sinn measan is glasraich às, is e na bhrosnachadh mòr dha na tha sinn a’ dealbhadh.
Bidh sinn ag obair le nàdar air a’ chroit, a’ cur ri bith-iomadachd agus a’ cothromachadh na chuireas sinn a-steach ris na tha sinn a’ buain.
What is a Croft?
"A croft is a small agricultural unit, most of which are situated in the crofting counties in the north of Scotland…"
Scottish Crofting Federation"’S e ball àitich beag a tha ann an croit, is a’ chuid as motha dhiubh sin stèidhichte anns na siorrachdan croitearachd ann an ceann a tuath na h-Alba …"
Caidreachas Croitearachd na h-Alba

Where is Applecross Croft?
Our designs are created in our studio on the Applecross peninsula in the north west Highlands of Scotland. Applecross is called A’ Chomraich in Gaelic, which means 'The Sanctuary', a perfect place to be inspired by all we find special in the Highlands. Our croft is located in one of the townships on the Applecross peninsula.

Our Scarves
Our first product line features luxury 100% pure silk scarves. We create unique graphic art statement pieces for you to wear. Applecross Croft designs are born from heartfelt inspiration drawn from immersion in Highland life. We are passionate about the Scottish Highlands and are proud to base our lives and business here.
Who do we work with?
We create our graphic art in our Applecross studio. We seek out businesses with creativity, quality and craftsmanship to make our products and seek to form a close working relationship with our suppliers. We work with businesses that have the expertise for our products and packaging in various locations in Scotland and England.
Where do we sell?
We have been refining our design style for several years with a view to a range of products. The Covid-19 pandemic provided the catalyst to move the business forward, making our dreams of developing the Applecross Croft brand a reality.
Our only stockist at this time is the The Coal Shed in Applecross. This wonderful independent shop stocks a diverse range of gifts and we are delighted that they have our 90cm square Bealach Na Bà scarf for sale while stocks last.
Who creates our designs?
Valerie Hodgkinson creates our original, captivating designs which can be treasured for years to come. She gained a first-class honours degree in Photography at Napier University in Edinburgh before completing a post-graduate Diploma in Electronic Imaging at Duncan of Jordanstone college of Art in Dundee. Valerie worked on CGI animation and motion graphics in the television industry for several years before moving to the Isle of Skye to take up a job in print-based graphic design at Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, Scotland’s National Centre for Gaelic Language and Culture.
Why do we include Gaelic?
Gordon Cameron is the other half of Applecross Croft. Gordon's first language was Gaelic and he brings his passion for Highland heritage and the Gaelic language to the business. Gordon’s family has been in Applecross for generations, and is especially connected to the fishing industry. After completing a masters degree in Material Culture, Gordon has recently completed his PhD in Gaelic studies. Gaelic culture and heritage informs and inspires much of what we create.
It is our hope to make the website fully bilingual at some point in the future when software availability and time allow.
In Development
We have more product lines in development. We are excited about where our Applecross Croft might take us. We are currently working on new designs for scarves and researching other fabrics we might use including wool/silk blends and Irish linen. We are working on a series of books inspired by the Highlands and our croft. Research for the first book is underway and we can't wait to share more news of these projects with you as they develop.