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Winter cards featuring Applecross stags in the snow

Greetings Cards | Cairtean

We hope to gradually build up a collection of greetings cards. Our first cards feature Applecross stags in the snow.

You can order direct to save postage and packaging if you are able to pick up your cards from us in Applecross. Message us on our business Facebook page or use the contact form on the website.

Exclusive designs, created with love for you to cherish.
Dealbhadh sònraichte, air a chruthachadh le gaol gus am faigh thu tlachd mhaireannach ann.

Read more of our design stories in both English & Gaelic here.

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Sold outPack of 4 Stag Greeting Cards | CairteanPack of 4 Stag Greeting Cards | Cairtean

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A share of profits from the stag cards will go to charity

Applecross Stag Cards

Charitable DONATIOn

Pack of 4 x 148mm square greetings cards with envelopes. Two each of two designs featuring Applecross stags in the snow. Stags featured in our imagery & designs are individual deer we have known & observed in Applecross. 

50% of the profit from the initial sale of the Winter Stag cards will go to a Highland charity – a charity will be selected by us each year. This year's charity is The Applecross & District Healthcare Association. This great organisation is run by volunteers and Valerie was delighted to design the logo for them. We have donated several logos to community organisations.

Wintry scenes featuring Applecross Stags - perfect for Christmas, New Year, Birthdays, thank yous or just to say hello any time of the year.

Card inserts are available to download free from Applecross Croft



Please consider giving cards a second life. Templates for inner sleeves/inserts designed to save you writing on the card itself & allowing it to be used again are available to download from our website. 

Be creative with cards and, when you feel it’s time, recycle or compost them.

Nach smaoinich sibh air a’ chairt seo a chleachdadh a-rithist? Gheibhear teamplaidean an-asgaidh air an làraich-lìn againn a ghabhas a chleachdadh am broinn na cairt is a leigeas leat a’ chairt a chleachdadh uair is uair.

Bidh cruthachail leis na cairtean is nuair a bhitheas tu deiseil leotha ath-cuairtich iad no cuir iad sa chompost.